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In the following countries you will find competent Handy Tech Braille display dealers. 

  • Actilino
    Instructions for use and safety information Declaration of conformity Actilino Firmware Actilino 3.1: September 15th, 2020 Improvements in the firmware version 3.1: Overall ATC sensitivity and responsiveness have been increased. For power readers with a particularly light touch of the Braille dots, the sensitivity has been considerably increased (previous level 7 corresponds to new level 4) The ATC sensitivity level 7 no longer waits for automatic advance when reading texts, which means an increase in performance for exceptionally fast readers. An error in the display of file timestamps was fixed. Corrected percentage of battery capacity to more accurately reflect current capacity. In particular, 100% is always displayed when the battery is fully charged. This setup includes the latest manuals for English, French, German and Spanish.
  • Activator
    User manual Activator 2.0 Quick Start Guide Activator 2.0 Activator Firmware Version 2.1 New features Activator 2.1 Support for the new USB-C SmartDock Firmware-Installer HelpTech+ iOS-App - English Version: The perfect complement to the Activator: HelpTech+ adds many new features to the Activator, Help Tech's latest braille display innovation, making it a next-generation Braille experience once and for all. HelpTech+ iOS-App - French Version: Le complément parfait à l'Activator : HelpTech+ ajoute de nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités à l'Activator, la dernière innovation d'affichage braille de Help Tech, ce qui en fait une expérience braille de nouvelle génération une fois pour toutes.
  • Activator Pro
    Firmware Version 1.3 - December 2024 New features: Updateability Safe Mode Updateability via HelpTech+ app Support for AP6 & AP8 Support for keyboard LEDs Braille dialogue now supports messages up to 280 characters Practice manual Activator Pro 1.0 Quick Start Guide Activator Pro 1.0
  • Active Braille
    Quick Reference Guide Active Braille 4.5 Manual Active Braille 4.5 Firmware Active Braille Firmware 4.8: March 2023 Improvements in the firmware version 4.8: Tabli extension - Input of characters with the on-screen keyboard - Display of cursor position and markers - Display of reading position on Braille display (ATC position) ATC position is transmitted to all channels with activated monitor mode Braille output of the screen reader is displayed in monitor mode Automatic switching of connected devices (Smart Switching) File extensions in the file menu are always displayed in capital letters Improved indication of calendar weeks in the planner Input of accented letters on the external keyboard Time in the timestamp in the file properties is reliably displayed even for times after 4 p.m. The internal memory of the Bluetooth module for known paired devices can now no longer overflow
  • Active Braille 2021
    Quick Reference Guide Active Braille 2021 1.0 Manual Active Braille 2021 1.0 Firmware Active Braille 2021 1.3: March 2023 Improvements in the firmware version 1.3: Bluetooth with automatic switching (Smart Switching) Improved memory access File extensions in the file menu are always displayed in capital letters Improved indication of calendar weeks in the planner Input of accented letters on the external keyboard The internal memory of the Bluetooth module for known paired devices can now no longer overflow
  • Active Star
    Quick Reference Guide Active Star 3.2 Manual Active Star 3.2 Firmware Active Star 3.2: November 12, 2020 The firmware version 3.2 for the Active Star, as a free service from Help Tech, offers the following new features: Smart start message: directly at power on information about charge status, firmware version, active Bluetooth connections, date with weekday, time received. Context sensitive help for the internal functions: for each menu item the explanation of the menu item can be called directly. Complete keyboard support including special keys when connected via Bluetooth for Windows PCs Simplified Bluetooth Pairing iPhone mode for optimized iPhone connectivity (instant connection on power up and reconnection from lock screen) Smart Switching: automatic switching between connected devices (3 connections via Bluetooth and one via USB) TabliApp support: displaying ATC position and marked text, support of Onscreen Keyboard, display of screen reader output
  • ATC LogPlayer; LogAnalyzer
    ATC-LogPlayer V1.0.1.0: September, 2013 The ATC-LogPlayer can be used to display the reading behaviour of a braille reader in real time. The reading positions recorded with the help of ATC can be saved in log files. These log files can be used by the ATC-LogPlayer to observe the actual tactile reading behaviour. Similar to a multimedia player, you can start and stop the playback of the reading position display by pressing "Start / Stop". The respective text is displayed on the Braille display and the corresponding reading position is highlighted. ATC-LogAnalyzer V2.0.0.2: September 2013 The ATC-LogAnalyzer, now with version 2.0, was completely re-designed. The most important design change is the implementation of a sophisticated processing algorithm. Every time a log file is opened enhancements of the Log-file are processed. This pre-processing algorithm is correcting falsified information within the log-file, which could be caused by a short deactivation of ATC when refreshing the Braille content on the Braille display, or caused by the hand movement when reaching form the end of the displayed Braille text to the front of the next section of Braille. The new ATC-LogAnalyzers also corrects some of the previous analyzing algorithm. The many item analyze is no longer needed, since the analysis is already done when the opening a log-file. Even if you change the setting of the reading characteristics the analysis is done on the fly. For example, if you set a specific word to analyze its reading behavior, you will find immediately the results of the analysis.
  • Basic Braille
    Quick Reference Guide Basic Braille 4.2 Manual Basic Braille 4.2 Firmware Basic Braille 4.2b: February, 2022 Improvements in the firmware version 4.2: SmartSwitching If the Basic Braille is simultaneously connected to two devices via USB and Bluetooth, e.g. to the PC via USB and to the smartphone via Bluetooth, the Braille display automatically switches to the channel from which data is sent to the Braille display. Switching channels only happens when a new connection is established (e.g. unlocking from smartphone) and sending Braille data or an existing connection is interrupted (e.g. locking from smartphone). It is still possible to manually switch between connections by pressing key 2 + key 5, but you will find that this is rarely necessary. SmartSwitching can be switched off Automatic switching can be turned off and on in configuration mode. SmartSwitching is active by default Bluetooth pairing no longer needs to be confirmed on PC or smart device Support for Basic Braille 84 (BB9) Available Braille line lengths: 20 (BB2), 32 (BB3), 40 (BB4), 48 (BB5), 64 (BB6), 80 (BB8), 84 (BB9)
  • Basic Braille Plus
    Quick Reference Guide Basic Braille Plus 4.2 Manual Basic Braille Plus 4.2 Firmware Basic Braille Plus 4.2: February, 2022 Improvements in the firmware version 4.2: SmartSwitching If the Basic Braille is simultaneously connected to two devices via USB and Bluetooth, e.g. to the PC via USB and to the smartphone via Bluetooth, the Braille display automatically switches to the channel from which data is sent to the Braille display. Switching channels only happens when a new connection is established (e.g. unlocking from smartphone) and sending Braille data or an existing connection is interrupted (e.g. locking from smartphone). It is still possible to manually switch between connections by pressing key 2 + key 5, but you will find that this is rarely necessary. SmartSwitching can be switched off Automatic switching can be turned off and on in configuration mode. SmartSwitching is active by default Bluetooth pairing no longer needs to be confirmed on PC or smart device Support for Basic Braille Plus 48 (BP5)
  • Braille Star 80
    Quick Reference Guide Braille Star 80 4.2 Manual Braille Star 80 4.2 Braille Star 80 Firmware-Version 4.31: May 02nd, 2011
  • Connect Braille 2022
    Manual Connect Braille 1.3 Firmware Connect Braille 1.3
  • Connect Braille 2021
    Quick Reference Guide Connect Braille 1.01 Manual Connect Braille 1.01 Firmware Active Braille Firmware 1.1a: October,10th, 2019 Improvements in the firmware version 1.01: A problem was fixed which resulted in the battery status being falsely reported as empty after a firmware update. Connectivity and stability have been improved.
  • HTCom
    Manual HTCom HTCom Version Version 16/12/2024 File transfer between Braille display and Windows PC. As a service programme, HTCom also enables the transfer of the clipboard of the PC and even the even the transfer of texts from the Internet. The monitor mode displays the information on the Braille output on the PC screen for sighted people. New in version With HTCom, the Activator Pro is also supported. The display of HTCom's braille monitor adapts to the length of the braille display, i.e. to 80 or 64 cells. When transferring the textual content of the files (including docx and pdf), contracted Braille translation can also be selected in HTCom. Texts on the Braille display in contracted Braille can also be translated back when transferred to the computer with HTCom.
  • Modular Evolution
    Quick Reference Guide Modular Evolution Manual Modular Evolution Firmware Modular Evolution December 09th, 2013 Contains: JAWS-Treiber Version HAL/Supernova-Treiber Version Window-Eyes-Treiber Version With this setup the firmware can be updated to Version 2.02
  • Braille Display Drivers
    JAWS support version (For JAWS version 10 or later): October, 2016 Current version of the Handy Tech Braille support for JAWS. This version supports all Handy Tech Braille displays. Also the 32bit and 64bit Version of JAWS will be supported. A configuration dialog allows configuring the settings of the driver. You can start this dialog from the windows start menu or with B12 or B4+B8 on the Braille display, if the driver is running. The setup contains also the new Handy Tech key mapping. In the start menu you can find a description of the new mapping and the key combination for the Braille input. SuperNova Unterstützung September, 2017 Current version of the Handy Tech Braille support for Supernova. This version supports all Handy Tech Braille displays. A configuration dialog allows configuring the settings of the driver. You can start this dialog from the windows start menu or with B12 or B4+B8 (dot 1+8) on the Braille display, if the driver is running. In the start menu you can find a description of the key mapping and the key combinations for the Braille input. Universal Driver for COM-Server for NVDA and SystemAccess V1.4.2.0: June, 2012
  • USB driver for Braille displays
    FTDI Treiber 2.12.24: 2016 December Additional to your screen reading application you also need the USB driver from FTDI for several Handy Tech Braille displays. The following devices are supported: - Braille Star 40, 80, - Modular Evolution 64, 88 - Easy Braille, Easy Braille Bluetooth This driver could also be used for Handy Tech displays, they are equipped with a serial port, in combination with an external USB/serial adapter from FTDI. The following operating systems are supported: Windows 2000, Vista, Windows 7/8/8.1/10

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